Software Project Management


How a project starts is a good indication of how it will continue. Rushing in and making adjustments later wastes resources and time. There are some key steps to follow to ensure the most effective course of action. Let’s make certain your projects start off right to get everyone moving in the same direction.  

Let’s start by evaluating your goals. >

Take the lead when companies in the early growth stage are transitioning to a dedicated Software Implementation Consulting practice.KEEP CUSTOMER EXPECTATIONS ALIGNED WITH PROJECT GOALS

Frequently projects that have issues are the result of a customer’s expectations being out of alignment with the project’s goals. In some situations, customer expectations have never been formally documented or communicated to the implementation team.  In other cases, the customer’s team has a change in players and new expectations are introduced. No matter the situation, as a Project Manager, I’m experienced in identifying and resolving the root causes of these issues and keep customer expectations aligned with the project goals.

Schedule a 20 minute consultation  

Provide an experienced software engagement manager and project manager when you don’t have the budget for a full-time employee.


Whenever someone raises a project issue that gets escalated, all teams spend an inordinate amount of time and resources resolving the issue. Those moments when you are flooded with visions of crashing into traffic barriers, railroad crossing arms slamming down on you can be very real, and are preventable. Usually escalations can be avoided with documentation to give your team better solutions to anticipate potential areas of concern or miscommunication. Having these in place can save hours and a percentage that should be going to profit.

Let’s set up a time to talk about your project >



Is your solution being tested by users? If it is, are they now submitting a long list of new feature requests? Knowing how to deal with this situation can be the difference between the project staying on schedule with a satisfied customer versus a never ending project with unhappy users. Thoroughly testing a solution involves so many hoops and can lead to tester distractions. These can cost everyone, and they can disappoint loyal brand advocates. Let’s prevent this situation from happening in the first place.